Corporate Courses
Our Therapy Centre and the National Institute of Hypnotherapy provide the perfect training environment to offer the confidence, knowledge and skills necessary to provide the highest calibre therapy practitioners.
Our Institute provides quality Professional 'complementary' Training Courses and Professional Training Workshops with a high standard of excellence in clinical practice and therapeutic applications to promote well-being of health in mind, body and spirit.
Our highly qualified lecturers facilitate coaching programs for personal performance and self mastery coaching for life changes, personal growth, self empowerment, professional advancement and creating success.
In addition, we also provide education services to overseas students!
The courses are suitable for anyone interested in the integration of the mind, body and spirit focused towards well-being and health such as:
- Counsellors
- Therapists
- Practioners
- Social Workers
- Government Personnel
- Health Care Professionals
- Educational Professionals
- Occupational Health & Safety Officers
- General Practitioners
- Dental Professionals
- Community Care
- Medical Specialists
FAQs About Our Courses
Who can attend the courses?
The courses are suitable for mature minded people who are seeking to expand their career opportunities, acquire knowledge and skills about effective complementary mind therapies or simply to become more self empowered. The courses are designed to cater for professionals to acquire the knowledge, skills and understanding of the principles and practice of clinical hypnotherapy, and clinical psychotherapy.
What professions are suitable to use the courses?
Professionals from a range of industry groups including health care, education, community care and social welfare as well as specific professions mentioned above.
Is there Specialist Group Training?
Specialist Group Training is an option for small groups of 6-8 from a specific professional field. The Institute can provide a customised Professional Training course for a specific group of professional such as general practitioners, dentists, occupational health & safety officers and so on.
Specialist Group Training is available to all participants for Professional Training courses and Professional Training Workshops. The Specialist Group Training can be considered on an Intensive Study Program basis.
The applicant(s) can apply for the Intensive Study Program in writing stating the desired study program. The participants' request will be considered and if approved a customised program developed according to the lecturer's availability and work schedule.
The Specialist Group Training course fees will be forwarded to participant(s) with the proposed program. The total course fee payable, must be paid in full before commencement of the Intensive Study Program.
All Corporate Training Options We Provide...
Assertiveness Skills Program
This workshop will provide you with the understanding of what assertiveness is and will make you more effective and increase your confidence and sense of achievement.
Performance Coaching
Performance coaching is for personnel in any organization whether it is small, medium or large, private or government departments.
Self Mastery & Life Coaching
The Self Mastery and Life Coaching programs are customised to provide the best learning opportunity for personal change, growth, self empowerment and success.
PsychoNutrition deals with nutrition and its effect on the mind. Natural chemicals, such as vitamins, minerals and amino acids effect the brain's chemistry.
Stress Management Program
The Stress Management Program is for personnel in any organization whether it is small, medium or large, private or government departments.
Relaxation Techniques
Relaxation is necessary to reduce our stress levels and help us cope with daily activities and life's challenges.
Conflict Management Program
This program explores the concepts of how to manage conflict more effectively to produce the best possible results for everyone concerned.
Self Healing Techniques
Relaxation or meditation allows you to connect with your inner guidance to feel part of life.